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The epos “Kalevala”

The land of Kalevala is considered the home of the epos “Kalevala”. Folk epic songs of the Karelian and Finnish people have been passed from generation to generation for many centuries. These epic tales narrated about the creation of the world from a duck’s egg, about a magic kantele playing, about a huge tree and a huge bull. Epic heroes went to seek brides in marriage to the Northern Land (Pohjola), traveled to the other world (Tuonela) and to the belly of a giant to get the prophetic knowledge. Names of epic heroes could be changed. Different characters could perform the same deed. But they were alike in one thing. People had been always thrilled with the mystery of fire and iron birth and inscrutability of the starry heavens. They were dreaming of a magic mill “Sampo” that created riches. Most epic songs that make up the epos “Kalevala” were recorded in local villages.  The epic traditions had existed for many years in the northern part of Karelia. Epic songs and legends were passed from generation to generation without breaking off full of vitality joint of times. A number of epic tellers made the land of Kalevala famous. They are Arhippa and Miihkali Perttunnen, Vaassila Kieleväinen and Ontrei Malinen. Elias Lönnrot played a crucial role in the study and popularization of the Karelian epic poetry. He made eleven scientific expeditions to the Northern Karelia in 1831-1835. He studied the folk-lore, traditions and customs of local inhabitants. Lönnrot’s Pine became the symbol of the epic land. According to a legend the famous scientist heard Kalevala epic tellers under this pine. In 1835 the first edition of the epos “Kalevala” was published. In 1840 the number of runes and incantations came to more than 20000 lines. The second additional edition of the epos “Kalevala” was published in 1849. Not long ago epic tellers Maria Remshu, Maria Miheeva, Tatiana Perttunen and many others lived and created in local villages. More than 250 fairy tales, a lot of legends, epic songs, folk tales, proverbs and sayings were learned from them. Well-known Russian writer Maxim Gorky enjoyed hearing local epic teller Maria Remshu. The family house of Maria Remshu was brought to the Kalevala settlement from the village of Voknavolok and reconstructed. Now the museum of Kalevala epic tellers is situated in the house. Some other houses where local epic tellers lived had been also preserved. The monument called “Vaasila’s Stone” is situated in the village of Voinitsa. It is put right on the place where the house of Vaassila Kieleväinen was located. The monument was made with the help of our friends from Finland.

Дата создания: 13.08.2014 11:44
Дата последнего изменения: 13.08.2014 11:45

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