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Main Page

This site represents a story about Kalevalsky region which we live in and which we love. We’d like visitors of our site to wish to visit Kalevala, to get to know our sights, our nature and our people closer after site visit .

It is possible to see the stand of the ancient man , seids – sacred stones of protoLaplanders, monuments to singers of runes, paths of pedlars, memorable signs of the war history and many other things in our region.

Kalevala soil is one of the most beautiful places in northern Karelia, which is known for its unique culture, ancient history and which is inimitable in its nature.

Because of the frontier position this area has a possibility to cooperate actively with the neighbour territories of Finland. Due to these contacts a lot of projects (in different spheres including culture, tourism and building) have been realized. Commune Syomyssalmi is sworn brother of this region.
Kalevala national area represents the place of compact residing of Karelians and Finns. There are sources of the Karelian and Finnish culture. There are ancient oral folk arts on the remote farms and in villages. The world famous Karelian-Finnish epos "Kalevala"is a part of it. On a boundary of 19-20 centuries a lot of Finnish specialists in Karelia: well- known writers, composers, artists, specialists in folklore - came to the homeland of the epos  in order to get inspiration. In XIX century in Kalevala villages the oustanding Finnish scientist Elias Lennrot wrote down the majority of fleeces - the ancient epic songs, that were included in epos “Kalevala”. Lennrot went on foot several thousand kilometers during the 5 travels across the Russian Karelia.

Дата создания: 24.03.2014 16:09
Дата последнего изменения: 12.08.2014 20:29

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